15 October 2018 Release: New Features & Updates
As the nights draw in and we prepare for the impending prospect of waking up and coming home to darkness, take solace in the fact that StorePointGeo will always be here to cheer you up! And it's now better than ever!
This morning we have added enhancements to the system and below we set out some of the new features / changes...
The Search Ends Here... (we hope)
Each StorePoint dataset can now be searched by category or by fascia. We hope this saves you time when searching one of the 11,004(!) fascias available through StorePoint.
You can also now clear all selected data layers by pressing the 'de-select all layers' icon:
Fascia Counts
You can get instant access to counts of fascias by category, sub category and fascias themselves. This is one step towards a wider market analysis tool, but I've said too much already...
Upload Your Own Data Layers
You can now upload your own data points as a CSV or GeoJSON file. All you'll need are the latitude and longitude coordinates of your points and away you go. This layer will then be available in your data layers and, provided you save your session, available forevermore!
Download the available templates to help with data content.
Please feel free to call us if you need any assistance with this at all.
You Star! Additional New Point Data...
StorePointGeo now allows you to assign new locations with additional information on fascia, address and unit size. All of this will carry through to your report and map outputs.
In addition to this all new locations added will appear as a star rather than a circle to help identify them on the map.
Other Available Datasets
Ever wondered what else StorePoint can provide? Wonder no more... Within your data layer window you can now choose to look at 'Also Available Layers', this will expand to display other categories and fascias beyond those that you currently subscribe to. Should you need access, call us to find out more.
New Premium Feature - Population Projections
As a new premium feature you can see how population numbers are forecast to grow in your review area. Not just in total numbers either but by age bands too.
Choose your base year and your horizon year and see how the population changes...
Call us now to find out how you can access this feature (small additional fee applicable).
Tutorial Videos
Finally, we now have a number of tutorial videos available on our website, please just select More from the menu and select StorePointGeo Tutorials. If you haven't already received your password, contact us and we will email you directly.
Please let us know if you would like any more videos creating.